
Best Movies of the 2000s : Top 10 Movies You Will Regret “Not Watching”!


Saloni Singh

The new renaissance of Best Movies of the 2000s had numerous wondering if the depths on the big computer would shoot the world into an climactic state of eating food out of barrels and trying to survive the new dark periods.

For movie suckers, Still, fear was replaced with excitement for a fresh slate of cinematic chow. And feasts for the senses the decade churned out.

 Brimming with sense-good rom- coms and grand fantasy flicks, and dominated by the rejuvenescence of the superhero movie and the ballot that would n’t die, the 2000s ate a variety of quality cinema.

We also saw technological advances in the realms of special goods and vitality reach new heights, as well as met some of our topmost fashion icons ( Miranda, Elle, Regina) who are still projected to the covers of our mood boards.

 It was a good time for film. And because it’s egregious we ca n’t enough of the Y2K trend — from fashion’s obsession on parachute pants to music’s biggest stars testing ballads from the decade — we ’re then to offer our largely private list of the stylish the movie assiduity had to offer. So, in no particular order, then are the stylish pictures of the 2000s.

best movies of the 2000s

  1. The Dark Knight

 Year 2008

 While this stint de force was one of the each- time great Batman flicks and a demonstration of Christopher Nolan’s bents for producing a thick, claustrophobic, but grand movie, The Dark Knight will always be flashed back for Heath Ledger’s astonishing performance as The Joker. It would turn out to be his final film.

 In his own words, he played the character as a “ psychopathic, mass murdering, schizophrenic zany with zero empathy ” and in doing so created one of the most iconic performances of all- time, recognised with his postmortem Oscar award.

  1. The Lord Of The Rings The Return Of The King

 Year 2003

 Nothing lower than a towering triumph of a movie, Return Of The King was a ultramodern epic, and a befitting conclusion to the Lord Of The Rings trio.

 Moviegoers crowded to see it. The film grossed over$ 1bn, and awards from the critics and fellow filmmakers rained down. Return of the King won all 11 Oscar it was nominated for, putting it position with Ben Hur and Titanic.

 Giant battles, spellbinding stories and heroic numbers- Return Of The King had it all. Plus, the word “ the ” is in the title an emotional four times. Quite an achievement.

  1. Gladiator

 Year 2000

 Director Ridley Scott used the 1960s Hollywood classic Spartacus as the starting point for Gladiator, and created a cinematic epic which stood shoulder- to- shoulder with the epic literal flicks of yore.

best movies of the 2000s

 prizefighter features a suitably dynamic performance by Russell Crowe as the wronged Gladiator Maximus Decimus Meridius. The film was a box office smash, grossing $ 500m and bagging five Oscars. A bona fide old- academy blockbuster, in every sense of the word.

  1. No Country For Old Men

 Time 2007

 The Coens had one hell of a time in the ‘ 90s. They made Fargo and The Big Lebowski. The ‘ 00s were a laddie slower( Intolerable Cruelty and The Ladykillers were misfires), but effects picked up when they won Stylish Picture at the Oscars for their blistering adaption of Cormac McCarthy’s classic suspenser.

 No Country For Old Men also brought Javier Bardem to our attention with his Oscar- winning turn as iconic villain Anton Chigurh.

  1. The Departed

 Time 2006

 The third of Scorsese’s gangbanger flicks, The Departed was to the ‘ 00s what Goodfellas was for the ‘ 90s. Grounded on a Hong Kong movie with the endlessly pleasing title Infernal Affairs, it’s a classic tale of organised crime, undercover work and fluid individualities.

 The Departed was thrilling, keeping you guessing the whole way. Critics agreed. The movie won four Oscars, further establishing Scorsese’s fabulous status.

best movies of the 2000s

  1. Inglourious Basterds

 Year 2009

 Another showing for Tarantino in the list after Kill Bill( Volume One), this defiantly misspelled revisionist telling of the end of World War II saw him at his absolute stylish.

 Not only did we get the classic blend of violence and one- liners, he also invested the story with depth and a real heart, making it a megahit commercially and at the Oscars where it bagged a bunch of nominations. It also saw a palm for Christoph Waltz who delivered a name turn as the evil ‘ Jew Hunter ’.

  1. Up

 Time 2009

 Any film from Pixar would have made a suitable entrant on this list but their final film of the decade proved to be their finest. originally, we were all a bit doubtful about an animated film grounded around a 78- time-old promoter but this funny, instigative and profoundly moving adventure surprised us all.

 UP also came the alternate animated film ever to score a bravery Picture nomination at the Oscars. The opening 10 twinkles makes a strong case for stylish sequence of the decade.

  1. Memento

 Year 2000

 Memento is a smart film in every way. It has a groundbreaking nonlinear structure, incorporating a forwards and a backwards interpretation of the same story. Guy Pearce holds the whole show together with a critically- accredited performance- not bad for someone who started out playing Mike in Neighbours.

 The movie was a Nolan family affair, grounded on a short story written by the youngish Jonathan, with the film written and directed by the aged Christopher. With a fairly small budget, the film attained box office success to accompany its originality. Its place on this list is well- justified.

  1. Kill Bill Volume One

 Time 2003

After a astral decade where he broke out into the mainstream, Tarantino’s first of two mentions in this list sees him at his most ambitious. Re-teaming with his Pulp fabrication star Uma Thurman, his bloody two- part action epic started out strong with the first, and more emotional, volume.

best movies of the 2000s

 It was Tarantino at his most confident with homages, visual tricks and indelible lines aplenty. Plus, in Beatrix Kiddo, features an incontinently iconic character and stunning action- packed performance from Thurman.

  1. Summerhouse Royale

 Casino Royale was the first Daniel Craig as Bond movie and maybe still his finest spin as the asset. It’s a great transition from the rather ridiculous Pierce Brosnan period to a further gritty realisation of the character. A supporting cast of Eva Green and Mads Mikkelsen add real emotion to the movie.


 Over the once many decades, critics have praised a lot of pictures from the 2000s.

 Critically accredited slapsticks from the 2000s include” Mean Girls” and” The 40- Time-Old Abecedarian.”

 Awarding- winning pictures” Lost in restatement” and” The Wrestler” are recommended by critics.

 The term” classic film” does not inescapably mean the workshop of Alfred Hitchcock, Howard Hughes, or Orson Welles( though we certain love numerous of those.)

The early 2000s just so happed to be replete with Hollywood blockbusters and indie films that further than earned their places amongst the classics with masterful stories and culture- shifting narratives that advanced the line of film.

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