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Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, Knightmare, Synder’s explantion


David Mudd

Batman vs Superman is a fabulous combination ever. Starts fro, ‘Dawn of Justice’ to ‘Knightmare’ it sounds awesome. The combination of batman and superman brought amazement, thrill, excitement in viewers. But there is still confusion about the film.

Well, talking about the ‘Dawn of justice’ the film was on air on March 25, 2016.

Synder clarification about Batman vs Superman films:

As we all are in the snail-like quarantine period, there is big news from Synder. Yes, Synder gave some clarification over the Batman vs Superman films. Synder made a live commentary on the social media app Hero for the ultimate edition of Batman vs Superman. He reveal what exactly was happen in the scene.

Batman And Superman

Synder explained that there is a scene in the upcoming film in which we may get to know why Bruce Wyne and Cyborg send the Flashback. Synder also revealed that it was the Lois Lane’s death that left the superman swept in Darkside’s Anti life Equation. And the incident further leads to the Knightmare future.

Its something like Synder tried to explain that there would be a sequel of ‘Knightmare’ called ‘Justice League’ which will release later.

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Synder kept the twist alive for the ‘Justice League’. But it seems a lot of ambiguity which leads to much confusion to viewers.

Coming to ‘Knightmare’, the film is a vision of the future that came to Bruce Wayne in the form of a dream. After the Synder’s explanation, it seems like ‘Knightmare’ is a by-product of Flash using the cosmic treadmill and splitting the essence of time itself. Superman gets corrupted by Darkside’s Anti Life Equation because of his lost love, this chain of vents made the Knightmare real.

Batman vs Superman

So, the ‘Knightmare’ has a sequel, which has all answers in it. But the ambiguity is still in viewers.