News, Gossip, Show Series

Atypical Cancelled


David Mudd

Atypical, an American comedy-drama created by Robie Rashid gets cancelled after running for 4 seasons. The Netflix original series gained huge popularity for the trivial treatment of a serious topic. The life of a teenager who is on the autism spectrum is not easy to portray. But this one has done a nice job. Atypical Cancelled is indeed a sad news for its fans!

Netflix originals usually run for 2 seasons. Atypical is one of that handful of shows that ran for 4seasons. Sadly one of the most-watched Netflix shows 

Atypical will not return for the 5th season and this makes the 4th season the final one.

Check out the article below to know more about this show and it’s cancellation.

Plot of Cancelled Atypical 

Atypical tells the story of Sam Gardner who has an Autism spectrum. His view of the world, his coping, and atypical solutions and reactions to things he cannot tolerate, serve as the comic force of the series. 

However, things become more challenging as Sam wants to start dating.

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Why we liked the series (Atypical Cancelled) so much

Happily Awkward 

a glimpse from atypical
Featuring a still from Atypical!

This is not just a journey of a differently-abled child but rather a coming of age story of a young boy presented through a light-hearted approach. Sam becomes a representative for people who actually have this condition and are probably exhausted from seeing the typical portrayal of autistic people. This one here is a bold statement that says we are who we are and there is no reason strong enough so that you would change yourself. Considering the constant pressure to fit in, it seems like fresh air to see Sam being happily awkward with his friends. 

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A refreshing sibling relationship 

the cast of atypical which is cancelled
Featuring the cast of Atypical which now stands Cancelled!

Sam and Cassey have a beautiful bonding that is so rarely seen on TV. She has his back, always taking care of and protecting him. Unlike pretty much every single American drama, the brother-sister bond is atypical. Casey loves her brother and does not mind showing it. Sam too loves her but he cannot express it properly. His little acts are a testament to his love and care for this sister. 

A sweet family drama in the Cancelled Atypical 

The Gardners are far from perfect and they keep getting into weird and wrong situations. Ultimately they always come clean to each other and cannot bear to keep secrets from each other. That’s family right?

Doug came back 

a glimpse from atypical which is cancelled
Atypical had its own magic!

When Cassie found a picture, in which Doug. their father is not present. she questions him. It is revealed that Doug left them for 8 months as he could not accept Sam’s autism. This makes Casie cry. Her father apologises and promises never to leave them ever again. Now he tries to connect with Sam with his might. He makes an Igloo for Sam which amazes him. The season finale reveals that Sam will go to Antarctica to see the penguins along with his father.

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Elsa Gardner 

Sam’s journey changes Elsa as well. She learns to trust Sam with things he wants for himself. By setting him free, she frees herself as well. Her overprotection which was resulted from fear which she learns to let go of. 


Zahid is Sam’s best friend. He is always there to have his back. He is responsible for all of Sam’s adult experiences, trying to educate him about sex. They both fight with each other, get angry and do crazy things like burning Zahid’s favourite shirt or get hit by baseball trying to save Zahid. They share a close bond and promote the power of friendship.

Reason of Cancellation

No specific reason has been mentioned as to why the show will not continue further. Netflix’s promo video shows that the journey that brought us laughter, tears, happiness, joy hours and homies will come to the finale in the 4th season.

Fans are outraged by this decision. Lots of fans took to Instagram to address this matter. They believe though the show has a positive and nice finishing, it deserves more. They find it a nice and funny show which should not have to come to an end like this.

The (Cancelled) Atypical Available on

The show can be watched on Netflix.


Atypical indeed takes atypical approach to typical issues. This is the reason we love it. It tries to keep things simple and refreshing and funny at the same time. The emotions are strongly present in the show but they never feel overbearing. There is a kind of restraint to it. And it just works. 

Drop your comments below in our comment section to let us know if you liked the ending or believe it deserves more.