Ao Ashi is a Japanese manga series written by Yugo Kobayashi. The story is about a young, talented soccer player named Ashito Aoi. His sports journey and challenges have been shown in the manga series. Ao Ashi will soon release Chapter 352. Readers are already getting very excited for the new chapter and are all set to see what is going to happen next. Keep reading this article to know more.
Ao Ashi Chapter 352 Release Date
The wait is over now. For those waiting for its new chapter, we have a great news for you and the great news is that the new chapter release date is out. Yes, you have read it rightly. The much awaiting chapter 352 is all set to be out. Ao Ashi Chapter 352 will be released on Nov 20, 2023.
Ao Ashi is a sports manga series that have earned readers with each chapter being released every week. Its simple and plain storyline has fascinated readers that readers want nothing but more and more of Ao Ashi. The chapter has currently reached to a point where the match is going to take place.
The further chapters os this manga serie are going to be very excting and full of turning events. If you are a true manga enthusiast, then you must be waiting for more manga series new release, if it is so, here you go I am Being Raised by Villains Chapter 44, and Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 241 Release Date.
Ao Ashi Chapter 352 Release Time
Here’s international release for Ao Ashi Chapter 352 as per different region:
- Pacific Standard Time (PST): at 07.00 AM
- Central European Time (CEST): at 05:00 PM
- New York: at 11:00 AM
- Pacific Time (PST): at 08:00 AM
- Eastern European Time (EEST): at 06:00 PM
- Philippines Standard Time (PHT): at 11:00 PM
- Singapore Standard Time (SST): at 11:00 PM
- Indian Standard Time (IST): at 08:30 PM
- Korean Standard Time (KST): at 12:00 PM
Ao Ashi Chapter 351 Recap
Kuribayashi traveled to Qatar for this match. Esperion organized the event, and Kuribayashi’s claimed about having the best players in history seems accurate. They had first-team players and Barcelona experts present for practice, which is advantageous. However, Barcelona is one of the world’s top teams. Also read the next chapters’ release date of this manga, Ao Ashi Chapter 351 Release Date.
Ao Ashi Chapter 352 Reddit Spoilers
Regrettably, there’s no spoiler available for Ao Ashi Chapter 352. While anticipation builds for Chapter 351, details about Chapter 352 remain closed, leaving fans eagerly awaiting the next chapter of this manhwa series. Incase you are unaware, What’s The Difference Between Manga Manhua and Manhwa?
Where to Read Ao Ashi Chapter 352?
Are you looking for Ao Ashi Chapter 352 reading Platform? Well, you don’t have to struugle any longer to find it now as it is available to read on the platforms we are going to mention. Ao Ashi Chapter 352 will be available to read on their official websites like Manga Plus and Manga Fox.
In addition, We suggest our readers to kindly read the upcoming chapter on the official site to give credits to the original creators who put their efforts to make it worth reading.
Is Ao Ashi Worth Reading?
Ao Ashi stands out as a compelling football manga with a straightforward and engaging storyline, making it not only worth reading but also easy to understand. For those new into new manga, Ao Ashi proves to be an excellent choice for a captivating start.
Ao Ashi is a Japanese manga series written by Yugo Kobayashi. Ao Ashi Chapter 352 will be released on Nov 20, 2023. Ao Ashi Chapter 352 will be available to read on their official website.
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